Scheduled Billing

Scheduled Billing is one type of invoice from single billing. Scheduled Billing is used to schedule the delivery of invoices to customers.

Create New Scheduled Billing

  1. Select the Scheduled Billing menu on the Faspay Billing menu, and the Scheduled Billing menu page will be displayed. Click "+ Scheduled Billing" to add new invoice data.

  1. Next, will displayed Single Billing form.

Field Parameter Single Billing form



Customer data

Customer Name

Customer name (registered)

Add New Customer

Add new customer data

Billing Details

Complete billing data

Invoice No

Invoice number (auto generate)

Invoice Subject

Invoice subject

Invoice Language

Language used on the invoice

Invoice Type

Invoice type (choose as needed)

Invoice Date

Date the invoice was created

Due Date

Payment limit/due invoice created

Invoice Tax

Will appear if customer enable E-Faktur module.

If you activated the invoice tax, when system changes proforma to invoice, the system will automatically generate the tax invoice number for the invoice with the following conditions:

  • The tax invoice number is taken from the range of tax invoice available numbers on the E-Faktur No page.

  • The system will use the tax invoice number sequentially from smallest to largest (Ascending order).

  • The period of the tax invoice number that was used must be the same as the current year(Year Period)

Transaction code

List of transaction code (will appear if customer activated Invoice Tax).

01: To Parties Who Are Not VAT Witholder

02: To the Treasurer's Witholder

03: To the Witholder except Treasurer's

04: DPP Other Values

06: Other submissions, including submission to foreign tourists in the context of VAT refunds

07: Submission of which VAT is not collected

08: Submission of VAT Exemption

09: Delivery of Assets (clause 16D of the VAT Law)


Email header text

Add Room

Choice of invoice type item type "room"

Add Product

Choice of invoice type item type "product"

Add Other

Choice of invoice types other than room & product

Generate Invoice to PDF

Information for generating invoices to PDF format


To add a note


To attach a document

Button Option

  • Click "Save Draft" to save the data temporarily.

  • Click "Save & Send" to save and send a new invoice.

  • Click "Preview" to preview the invoice before it is submitted.


  • If the customer name is not yet available, then add new customer data by clicking "+Add New Customer" under the Customer Name field.

  • In the "Invoice No" field, if it is not filled in, it will be auto-generated (automatically filled with system numbering).

  • In the "Due Date" field, it cannot pass 1 day from the Invoce Date.

  • The "Add Room" feature is only available for Merchants of Hospitality type.

  1. Input the Scheduled Billing data, then click Save & Send.

    Notes: Ensure that the invoice type is scheduled.

  1. If the data is successfully submitted, it will display a success notification as follows, click OK. The invoice will be sent to customer's email as scheduled.

  1. The Scheduled Billing will appear in the Scheduled Billing list.

Search Invoice

  1. On the Scheduled Billing page to search data, it can be done by inputting the invoice data keyword in the search field.

  1. The search results like the following will be displayed.

Last updated