Generate Signature Request

The integration of the use of credit cards require an additional signature for identification of merchant transactions sent to faspay, when the merchant sends data to the rediredt faspay, the signature is sent along with the redirect process. Signature transmitted is a form of a series of several parameters which are then encrypted using the SHA1 hash algorithm (SHA1 reference).

The parameters in the transaction signature, among others:

  1. Merchant ID : ID provided by the system faspay

  2. sTXN Password : password provided by the system transaction faspay

  3. Merchant Trn ID : merchant transaction numbers

  4. Total amount : nominal in two decimal (ex : 1000.00)

  5. Transaction ID : the code of the bank (filled 0)

Writing parameters separated by ##, and converted into the format parameter uppercase (is a text format to uppercase / capital all).

Format : (“##" + MERCHANTID + "##" + sTxnPassword + "##" + MERCHANT_TRANID + "##" + AMOUNT + "##” + TRANSACTIONID + “##”)



Result convert to algoritma SHA1 :


Sample Code :

$signaturecc=sha1('##'.strtoupper('Merchant_ID').'##'.strtoupper('TXN_PASSWORD').'##'. Strtoupper(‘$Merchant_TranID’).'##Amount##'.'0'.'##');

  • Signature moment redirect post first transaction, for TRANSACTION_ID filled with 0.

  • Signature to process VOID / CAPTURE, to be filled with a number of transactions TRANSACTION_ID response from the Bank / FPG.

  • Parameters on the signature change into uppercase format (text format is uppercase / capital all)

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