ATM Permata Cash Out

Permata CashOut is one of the Faspay SendMe (disbursement) features that serve to conduct cash withdrawal transactions at Permata ATMs. The increasing number of money withdrawal options through Permata ATMs, could increase profit opportunities and expand market segmentation.

Flow Permata CashOut

Flow CashOut Reservation

API Services


This service serves to create transactions from partner to Faspay. This service is used to process funds transfer from a partner account to a beneficiary.

Transfer Request

  • Relative URL : /account/API/transfer

  • Method : HTTP POST

The parameters that must be provided by the partner system to be accessed by the Faspay system are as follows:

Transfer Response

Decrypting Cashout Code

At transfer response, cashout_code that has been received by partner is in chipertext format, so partner need to decrypting the code using openssl_public_decrypt method to change the cashout_code into plain text. To decrypting the cashout_code into 10 digit plain text it can be done by the steps as follows:

  1. Partner receive public key from Faspay

  2. Decode the cashout_code using base64_decode method

  3. Decrypting the cashout_code using openssl_public_decrypt method and public key that has been partner received before

  4. Partner get 10 digit plain text of cashout_code

Sample Code Decrypting Cashout Code

public function dec_cashout_code($encrydata){
        $filename = "public.crt";
        $data = base64_decode($encrydata);
        $public_key = file_get_contents($filename, true);
        return $plaintext;

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