Transaction History
This menu contains the transactions history of your SendMe account. It accessible on Disbursement/Transaction History at Merchant Page.
Detail Header Transaction History Page
Guide Transaction History Table
Filtering Transaction History
Advanced Filter enable you to show data in certain criteria based on these parameters:
Transaction ID
Transaction No
Beneficiary Account
Beneficiary Name
Beneficiary Bank
Value Date
Click on the Advanced Filter dropdown button.
Input the keyword as needed, as example will be show transaction with Status: Success, Value Date: 2024-01-01 – 2024-01-06 (date format: YYYY-MM-DD), then click Apply.
Show the data as the inputted criteria. You can also use the vertical and horizontal scrollbal to see in details the transaction history.
Export Transaction History Data
You can export the data in Excel/CSV format by following these step:
Click Export then choose between Excel/CSV.
You can also export the data with certain criteria by filtering the data first, click Export icon, then choose between Excel/CSV.
Click Yes to confirm. You can check the "without header and footer" if you don't wanna include it in the file that will be downloaded, and vice versa.
The transaction data successfully downloaded.
Last updated