Genarete signature response
Faspay will give a response signature with a few parameters, namely:
Merchant ID: ID is given by Faspay system
sTXN Password: password provided by the system transaction faspay
Merchant Trn ID: merchant transaction number
Total amount: nominal in two decimal (ex: 1000.00)
Transaction Status: TXN STATUS
Writing parameters separated by ##, and converted into the format parameter uppercase (is a text format to uppercase/capital all).
Format :
(“##" + MERCHANTID + "##" + sTxnPassword + "##" + MERCHANT_TRANID + "##" + AMOUNT + "##” + TXN_STATUS + “##”)
Result converted to algorithm SHA1 :
It is advisable to maintain security when receiving a response from Faspay, merchants also run this SHA1 algorithm upon receiving the response. To find out if the results match the signature received from the response that is sent, it can be done by matching the results of the transaction and the transaction signature password to use.
Last updated