Last updated
Last updated
Transaction report enables You to see details of split transactions for each partner of Your Merchant. To access transaction report You can following these steps:
Login to Merchant Page on , then You can access it on Route Payment -> Transaction Report.
Then, it show Your transaction report in details.
To disburse the amount of split transaction to Your Partner, it can be done by these steps:
Select the “unprocess” transaction.
Click Confirm & Disburse.
Then click Yes, Disburse to process disbursement.
The disbursement successfully being processed.
You can only can cancel the “unprocess” transaction, it can be done by these steps:
2. Confirm cancelation by click Yes, Cancel.
The transaction successfully canceled.
Input the keyword on search field, to find the transaction data.
Input the OTP password from Your Google Authenticator (here’s to pair Your Google Authenticator with SendMe account)
1. Click to cancel the “unprocess” transaction.
Click on icon to sort transaction data based on reference data column, in ascending or descending order.