Transaction Void

Transaction void means that the user refuse / reject the transaction or commonly known as a reversal, the void can be done online or offline depending on each bank's services. Reversal is done on the same day before the cut off set by the bank, for example, if the cut-off transaction at 20:00 the night then the process void conducted under these hours will be accepted but if the void is done after the cut off bank then faspay will provide information notification to the merchant that the void fails with code 5621 (Void rejected by bank).

Not all banks support these Fiture, please ensure that use merchant acquiring banks already exist those features and has been working with faspay. Merchant can mark the transaction void or canceled through the features provided FPG. FPG is a payment gateway system that serves to communicate directly with the bank system, which can void the transaction is a transaction with status

N = Pending / Waiting

A = Authorize (authorize transactions in the bank

RC = Status of the bank is not known, the user must confirm return for the transaction

Request Parameter Transaction Void

Request parameter is a void transaction parameters that must be provided by the merchant's system can conduct transactions through the system Faspay void.

Response Parameter Transaction Void

Response Parameter Transaction Void are parameters that will be delivered by the system Faspay in response to a request parameter void transaction that has been submitted by the merchant system. If no parameters are not appropriate / value is incorrect, the transaction will be rejected in the system Faspay.

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