Merchant page Reference

Getting Started

Dashboard Balance Merchant

Dashboard Merchant Page or Dashboard Balance Merchant contains information about settlement transaction details from merchant. On this page merchant is able to see information detail such as Settlement Summary that includes Settlement Today and Outstanding Settlement. Also information detail about Transaction Summary including Total Transactions, Success Transactions, Success Transactions Amount, Growth Calculation and Transactions Chart.

This is how Dashboard Merchant look likes at the first time merchant open the merchant page sites. On this page there are 3 sections:

  1. Settlement Summary

  2. Transactions Summary

  3. Transactions Chart.

Settlement Summary

  • Settlement Today

This section shows information detail about amount settlement that has been received by this day from Outstanding Settlement merchant.

  • Outstanding Settlement

This Outstanding Settlement section contain information of success transactions amount that's still held by Faspay. Outstanding Settlement will be automatically updated when there's successful transactions and that transactions has been through on reconciliation process, so in this section the counting process of total transaction didn't occur real-time towards each transaction.

Transactions Summary

This Transactions Summary section each transaction counting process occurred real-time.

  • Total Transactions

From this Total Transactions section merchant able to see a whole of customer transactions total (success or outstanding) by this day.

  • Success Transactions

This Success Transactions section merchant able to see successful transaction total from all transactions that occur by this day.

  • Success Transactions Amount

This Success Transactions Amount section show information about Success Transactions Amount from all success transactions by this day.

  • Growth Calculation

This section, merchant is able to see insight about increase and decrease rate of the Total Transactions, Success Transactions Amount and Success Transactions in this day transactions comparing by yesterday transactions.

Total Transactions and Success Transactions Amount Growth Calculation

Growth Calculation in Total Transactions and Success Transactions Amount rate obtained by this formula : ((Total Transactions this day – Total Transactions yesterday) / Total Transactions yesterday) x 100%

If Total Transactions or Success Transaction Amount have positive growth calculation the number will be displayed in green color.

When Total Transactions or Success Transaction Amount have negative growth calculation the number will be displayed in red color.

Then, if the growth calculation of Total Transactions or Success Transaction Amount is zero the number will be displayed in gray color.

Success Transactions Growth Calculation

Growth Calculation in Success Transactions rate is obtained by formula : (Success Transactions / Total Transactions) x 100%.

If growth calculation of Success Transactions has percentage between 0%-60% the number will be displayed in red color.

Then growth calculation of Success Transactions with a percentage between 0%-60% the number will be displayed in green color.

Transactions Chart

In the section of Transaction Chart shows data visualization of Total Transactions and Success Transactions by this day in 24 hours.

  • By default the chart shows data visualizations of Total Transactions, it's marked by chart in orange color. Then to see transactions at certain times it can be done by hovering the chart, as example it can be seen that at 10.00 A.M. there are 2 transactions.

  • Then for Success Transactions it's marked by chart in purple color. It can be seen when the Success Transaction at X-axis label has been clicked the chart will highlight the part of Success Transactions chart in purple color.

  • Then to see success transaction at certain times it can be done by hovering the chart. So it can be seen that there are 1 transaction success at 11.00 A.M.

Merchant Settings

Merchant login to Merchant page dashboard, to be able to modify merchant's settings that consists Profile, Credentials, Report, and Developer settings.

  • Click Settings on the left menu of the dashboard and it should show sub-menus as shown below.

Profile Menu

A page where merchant can change their business's logo by their liking so their logo can be displayed on merchant's payment landing, billing, and email notification.

  • Merchant needs to click choose file to upload their logo with the format:

    • Size must be 640px by 480px

    • Smaller than 1MB (.png, .jpeg, .jpg)

  • Click save to save your logo

View Transaction

Getting Started

Merchant login to Merchant page dashboard, to view the transaction Debit, Credit, and Settlement on MerchantPage.

  • After successfully logging in, a dashboard page will appear, select the "Transactions" menu in the navigation on the left.

  • Then a transaction page will appear with several tabs, in this guide will focus on the Debit, Credit, and Settlement tabs:


On the Transactions page there is a "Debit" tab menu, to be able to see transactions on debit, here are the steps:

  • In the search feature, transactions can be viewed by clicking the "Transaction Date" field, select the date range you want to filter, then click "Apply".

  • For the default "Transaction Period" field in the "within 35 days" option, for transaction data more than 35 days please contact our helpdesk (Faspay).

  • After that, click "Search" to display the transaction results on the debit based on the selected date.

  • Then the results of the debit transaction will appear based on the date that has been applied.

  • To remove search results from debit transactions, click "Clear Value" to remove the value from the input search field.

  • The results of the transaction search have been deleted.

  • If you want to search for a more specific transaction, based on transaction ID, then enter the Transaction ID number in the "Transaction ID" field then click "Search". Please note that in addition to inputting the Transaction ID, also input for the date range.

  • Then the transaction results will appear on the debit based on the search for Transaction ID and date range

  • Transaction search can also be done based on the billing number, enter the transaction billing number in the "Bill No" field then click "Search", besides entering Bill No, enter also for the date range.

  • Then the results of debit transactions will appear based on the Billing Number.

  • To set which columns you want to display (other than the default) in the search results table, click "Columns"

  • Then several table lists will appear. Click on the list columns you want to display, then click "Apply"

  • Then the results of the addition appear in the column that has been set in the following Columns

  • To view the transaction history on the debit, click the "History" dropdown then select "Refund History (Debit)"

  • Then a new tab will appear on the refund history page

  • To see the history of the adjustment status, please go to the debit transaction page, in the dropdown history select "Adjustment Status History ", a new tab will appear on the Adjustment Status History page.


On the Transactions page, there is a menu with the "Credit" tab, to be able to see transactions on credits, here are the steps:

  • In the search feature in the Credit tab, transactions can be viewed by clicking the "Date" field, selecting the date range, then clicking "Apply".

  • Then after selecting the date time range, click "Search"

  • Then the transaction results will appear from the search results based on the selected date

  • If you want to see transactions based on the merchant transaction ID number, enter the ID number in the "Merchant Tran ID" field, then click "Search"

  • Then the credit transaction results will appear based on the merchant transaction ID

  • Search can also be done by credit transaction ID for more specific results, enter the transaction id in the "Trx ID" field, then click "Search"

  • Then a table of credit transaction search results will appear based on Transaction ID.

  • To set which columns you want to display (other than the default) in the search results table, click "Columns"

  • In the table list displayed, Checklist the list columns you want to display, then click "Apply"

  • Then the results of the table that appear adjust to the checklist in columns

  • On the credit page tab, if you want to see the history of credit transaction refunds, click "Refund History"

  • Then it will be directed to the transaction refund history page


On the Transactions page there is a menu tab "Settlement", to be able to see transactions in settlement, here are the steps:

  • In the search feature on the settlement tab, transactions can be viewed by clicking the "Transaction Date" field, selecting the date range you want to filter, then clicking "Apply".

Notes: a range date that can be selected in a range of 7 days.

  • Then click "Search" to display the results of settlement transactions on the selected date.

  • The results of the settlement transaction will appear based on the selected date.

  • To remove search results from transactions, click "Clear Value" to remove values from the search fields that have been inputted.

  • Transaction search results have been deleted

  • If you want to see more specifically on settlement transactions, the search feature can be done by filling in the billing number, entering the billing number into the "Bill No" field ➡️ /click "Search"

  • Specific search results will appear based on the selected date and billing number that has been entered.

  • Transaction search can also be done based on Transaction ID, enter the Transaction ID number in the "Transaction ID" field then click "Search".

  • The transaction results will appear from the search based on transaction ID.

  • If you want to select the table column selection option, then click the "Columns" dropdown menu.

  • Checklist of table columns you want to display, then click "Apply"

  • Then the result will be adding columns or adjusting the options that have been selected.

Export File

  • To export the file, select "Export" ➡️ "Excels".

  • The transaction results seen in excel format are successfully downloaded

Last updated