Merchant page Reference

Getting Started

You can access the Merchant Page by login here.


If you successfully login to the Merchant Page it will show the Dashboard Page. It contains information such as Settlement Summary, Transactions Summary, and Transactions Chart from a merchant.

Settlement Summary

The settlement summary contains information such as Settlement Today and Estimated Settlement.

Settlement Today

Settlement Today contains an amount that has been settled to the Merchant per day.

Estimated Settlement

Estimated Settlement contains the net amount that will be settled to the Merchant, this amount has been reduced by merchant fee.

Merchants that implement new outstanding settlement calculations will have a value of estimated settlement that has been reduced by merchant fees. However, merchants with default calculations don't consider merchant fees in the estimated settlement value.

Transactions Summary

Transactions Summary contains information on merchant transactions per day including Total Transactions, Success Transactions, and Success Transactions Amount. This section also contains the growth calculation of each transaction.

Total Transactions

Total Transactions contains a total number of all transactions from the merchant.

In this case, the growth calculation of Total Transactions is -55.54%.

Success Transactions

Success Transactions contains the total number of transactions that have been succeeded.

In this case, the growth calculation of Success Transactions is 0%.

Success Transactions Amount

Success Transactions contains the total amount of transactions that have been succeeded.

In this case, the growth calculation of the Success Transactions Amount is -100%.

Growth Calculation Obtained by this Formula:

  • Total Transactions: ((Total Transactions this day – Total Transactions yesterday) / Total Transactions yesterday) x 100%

  • Success Transactions: (Success Transactions / Total Transactions) x 100%.

  • Success Transactions Amount : ((Total Transactions this day – Total Transactions yesterday) / Total Transactions yesterday) x 100%

Transactions Chart

The transactions Chart visualizes transactions number of merchants per hour in a day, including Total Transactions and Success Transactions.

In the transaction chart you can see detailed transactions in 2 ways:

  • Hover the chart to see the details number of each transaction at certain times.

  • Click on Total Transaction or Success Transaction to display a chart of a specific transaction, either all transactions or only success transactions.

Show Total Transactions

Show Success Transactions

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