
Faspay Woocommerce.....This is official Faspay extension for the Woocommerce E-Commerece platform.

Requirements :

  • WordPress tested up to v6.5.5

  • WooCommerce tested up to v9.0.2

  • PHP version v7.4 or greater

  • MySQL version v5.0 or greater

  • PHP CURL enabled server/host


  1. Download plugin woocommerce.

  2. Login to your Wordpress admin panel.

  3. Go to Plugins menu, click add new. Search on your local folder.

  4. Install & Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin panel.


  1. Go to menu WooCommerce > Settings > Faspay Global Configuration.

  2. Fill in the Merchant Name based on your registration on Faspay.

  3. Fill your Merchant ID (userid), Debit Merchant Password, Credit Card Merchant Password with your corresponding Faspay account credentials.

  4. Define the Payment Expired Date

  5. Select Environment, Development is for testing transaction, Production is for real transaction.

Notes: Credentials for Development & Production is different, make sure you use the correct one. Other configurations are optional, you may leave it as is.

  1. Go to menu WooCommerce > Settings > Payment to enable payment channel:

Make sure that the payment channel is enabled.

Last updated