Export CSV


Click on the Export CSV tab menu, to show the Export CSV page.

Before exporting the invoice data to a CSV format file, the user needs to show the list of invoice data on the Export CSV page, as follows:

  1. Click the calendar button.

  2. Choose the period, as an example will be shown data in September 2023.

  3. Then, click Show.

  1. So, the list of invoice data in September 2023 successfully showed.

Field Parameter Invoice Data

Field NameDescription

E-Faktur No

Invoice E-Faktur Number

Invoice No

Invoice number

Due Date

Invoice due date

Customer Name

Invoice customer name


NPWP customer name


NPWP customer number

Invoice Status

Invoice status: unpaid, partially paid, paid, overdue.

Export Status

Export Status: 1. Exported : Indicates that the CSV document has been exported 2. Not Exported : Indicates that the CSV document has not exported yet

Export Invoice Data to CSV File

Data that can be seen before and having tax invoice/E-Faktur numbers can be exported into CSV file, by following steps:

  1. Checklist on the list of data that you want to export, then click Export CSV.

  1. The CSV files have been successfully exported, click OK on the success notification.

  1. The Export Status has been changed to Exported.

This is what the CSV file looks like.

Field Parameter CSV File

Field NameDescription


Transaction Code

01: To Parties Who Are Not VAT Witholder

02: To the Treasurer's Witholder

03: To the Witholder except Treasurer's

04: DPP Other Values

06: Other submissions, including submission to foreign tourists in the context of VAT refunds

07: Submission of which VAT is not collected

08: Submission of VAT Exemption

09: Delivery of Assets (clause 16D of the VAT Law)


Replacement status of tax invoice, if there replacement FP_PENGGANTI = 1, vice versa FP_PENGGANTI = 0


Tax invoice serial number


Reporting tax period = month of invoice period


Year tax period = year of invoice period


Invoice date


NPWP customer number


NPWP Customer name


NPWP customer address


Subtotal before tax


Total tax


Amount of PPNBM tax(if nothing filed by 0)


Additional information (optional)


Filled by 0, if normal payment (without down payment/terms/repayment)

Filled by 1, if there is a down payment or terms

Filled by 2, if settlement


Amount of down payment before tax(if nothing filled by 0)


VAT down payment amount(if nothing filled by 0)


Amount of PPNBM down payment(if nothing filed by 0)


Invoice number

On the Export CSV page, the user can also Generate an E-Faktur No on the invoice data that doesn't have an E-Faktur number.

Last updated