Notification / Callback
Used by a merchant for receiving notification transactions from the disbursement system Faspay. If there is a fund transfer transaction or disbursement of funds, the system will send the notification to the merchant via the URL sent during the transaction/withdrawal process.
Url Notification : [provide By Merchant]
Generate Signature Notification
Request Body from Faspay
Request Method from Faspay
Request Body From Faspay: - Remove character '\r', '\n', '\t' dan space - hashing with algorithm sha256 - Change to capital letters (UPPERCASE).
Faspay Authorization: - base64_encode(client_id:client_secret).
StringToSign : "[api_key]:[Request Method From Faspay]:[Faspay Authorization]:[Request Body From Faspay]" *) without [] and ""
Signature : SHA-256 HMAC (StringToSign, api_secret). - For validation at the merchant's side.
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
request | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Request Description |
virtual_account | Numeric | Mandatory | Sender VA |
va_name | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Sender VA Name |
beneficiary_virtual_account | Numeric | Mandatory | Receiver VA number |
beneficiary_account | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Account number of VA receiver |
beneficiary_name | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Account Number Name |
trx_id | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Transaction ID |
trx_date | Datetime | Mandatory | Datetime format (YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s) |
trx_amount | Numeric | Mandatory | Total amount, ex : 10.000 -> 1000000 |
trx_desc | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Description |
trx_status | Numeric | Mandatory | List of status transaction: 1 = On Process, 2 = Success, 4 = Failed, 5 = Reverse |
trx_status_date | Datetime | Mandatory | Transaction of Success Date, Format Datetime (YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s) |
trx_reff | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Remark from system |
trx_no | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Transaction number of the merchant |
bank_code | Numeric | Mandatory | Bank code of VA receiver |
bank_name | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Beneficiary Bank Name |
bank_response_code | Numeric | Mandatory | Response transaction (trx) from bank: 2 = Transaction Success, 3 = Transaction Reversal/Transaction Expired |
bank_response_msg | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Response message of transaction (trx) from bank |
signature | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | *) see documentation on generate signature |
Notes: Please note, that in the notification process. trx_status parameter will be able to know the actual status of transactions.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
response | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Description of response |
virtual_account | Numeric | Mandatory | VA Sender of transaction |
beneficiary_virtual_account | Numeric | Mandatory | Receiver VA number |
bank_code | Numeric | Mandatory | Bank code of VA receiver |
bank_name | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Bank name |
response_code | Numeric | Mandatory | List of response: 00 = Success, 01 = Failed |
response_desc | Alphanumeric | Mandatory | Response Description |
Last updated