Transaction History on Business Profile

Transaction History

Transaction History of your QR Business Profile is accessible at Merchant Page, Faspay Billing/Business Profile/Transaction History. Here’s transaction history list of your customers.

Transaction Status



Payment is unprocess by customer

In process

Payment is in process by customer


Payment is success


Payment date is expired


Payment failed


Payment cancelled


Payment Reversal

Searching Transaction History

You can search your transaction history by using these parameters:

  • Transaction Date (Date of transaction)

  • Transaction ID (Transaction ID number)

  • Profile Name (Business profile name)

  • Customer Name (Customer name)

  • Category Source (Category “payment/billing”)

  • Transaction Nominal (Transaction amount)

  • Status (Transaction status)

This the sample of search results by Profile Name: Basudara Store, Status: Expired.

Download Transaction History

Transaction history can be downloaded in Excel format by click Export Excel. You can also filter the history data that you want to export by selecting a specific range of transaction dates.

Here’s the transaction history that has been downloaded in Excel format.

Transaction History (Lite version)

Transaction history lite version allows you to access the transaction history in an easy way by using just one link from any devices.

  1. Get link for your transaction history on Transaction History page, click Lite Trx History.

  1. Then create your password, next click Confirm.

Password must contain at least 8 characters and a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers.

  1. The link for your transaction history successfully created, click Copy Link, then you can access it on any other devices.

  1. Now you can also access your lite transaction history link, by click Lite Trx History dropdown, then click Copy Link after you have been successfully creating it before.

  1. Open the link that you’ve been copied on your browser, input Password then click Confirm, it will shows last 10 transaction histories, so you can get up-to-dated customer transaction status from your mobile device.

Once you successfully login and access the transaction history on lite versions your session will expire after 4 hours. If this happens you need to re-enter your password.

Reset Password

In case you forgot your access password to open the transaction history lite, you can change your password by following these step:

  1. On Transaction History page, click dropdown Lite Trx History, then click Reset Password.

  1. Input your new password, then click Confirm.

Password must contain at least 8 characters, and a combination of letters and numbers.

  1. Your password is successfully changed.

Last updated