Payment History

  1. On Static VA List, click action button on the VA that you want to see in details.

  1. It will shows the detail of VA Payment History.

Field Parameters Payment History


VA Number

The number of VA

Customer Name

Customer name


Bank name

Outstanding Amount(Rp)

Total outstanding amount for unpaid invoice

Notes: only use for Static VA Close


VA Status

  • Yes : Active VA

  • No : Inactive VA

Payment Date

Date of the payment

Transaction ID

ID number of transaction

Invoice ID

ID number of invoice

Payment Amount

Payment amount


Payment description


Action button to print payment receipt.

Search Payment History

You can search the data of payment history, by these parameters:

  • Payment Date

  • Transaction ID

  • Invoice ID

  • Payment Amount

  • Description

As example, this the results when you search the data by Transaction ID.

Download Payment Receipt

  1. Click on action button to download the payment receipt.

  1. The pdf file will be downloaded.

  1. Here’s the details of payment receipt.

Deactive VA

Merchant can deactivate the VA number. If the VA number is deactivated, customers will not be able to make payments or inquiries using it.

  1. On active VA at Payment History page click switch button on Status.

  1. Click Yes, Deactive.

  1. The VA has been successfully deactive.

Activate VA

Merchant can activate the VA number, so customers will be able to make payments or inquiries using it.

  1. On inactive VA at Payment History page click switch button on Status.

  1. Then click Yes, Activate.

  1. The VA has been successfully activated.

Last updated