Static Transaction Integration

Integration Step

  1. Inquiry Transaction

  2. Inquiry Payment

  3. Payment Notification

Inquiry Transaction

GET https://url_merchant/va_static/signature?type=inquiry

Query Parameters

   "response": "VA Static Response",
   "va_number": "8641162021000007",
   "amount": "10000",
   "cust_name": "suyanto",
   "response_code": "00"

Example: https://url_merchant/8641162021000007/d5f91b5fe05f6d2b186c78356b96af355db410ad?type=inquiry

Response Parameter Inquiry Transaction

Inquiry Payment

GET https://url-merchant/va_static/signature?type=payment&trx_uid=&amount=

Query Parameters

  "response": "VA Static Response",
  "va_number": "8641162021000007",
  "amount": "10000",
  "cust_name": "suyanto",
  "response_code": "00",


Response Parameter Inquiry Payment

Payment Notification

For payment notification process will use the same API as Faspay debit, see the details in payment notification reference

Last updated