List Recipient

A menu to display a detailed list of all billing recipients that have been created. Billing recipient data search can be done using filtering based on all columns or filtering using additional filtering found at the top of the table. For each data record, the billing recipient can update the data or delete the data.

The steps display a list of recipients

  • Click the Recipient menu on the left menu panel

  • Click on the List Receipt tab to display a list of billing recipients in table form



Show Entries

Select the number of records / lines of billing data that should appear on the display one page

Recipient Number

The contents of the billing recipient to filter data based on the number of billing recipient

Recipient Name

The contents of the billing recipient to filter data based on the name of the billing recipient

Recipient Email

The contents of the billing recipient to filter data based on the recipient's email address billing

Recipient Address

The contents of the billing recipient to filter data by the recipient address billing

Phone number

The contents of the billing recipient to filter data based on the recipient's phone number billing


The contents of the billing recipient to filter data based group of recipients billing


Sender department


Button to view the data receiver billing


Button to update the data receiver billing


Button to delete the data receiver billing


Click to go to the previous page in the billing data record [If artifacts more than one page of records]


Click to go to the next page on the billing data record [If artifacts more than one page of records]

Page Number

Click to go to the page record billing data based on the selected number [If artifacts more than one page of records]

Create New Recipient

A menu to register the billing recipient data. Billing recipient data will be used when making a transaction billing.

Steps to register the recipient's data billing

  • Click menu Recipient on the left menu panel

  • Click on the button New to display a registration form receiver billing

  • Fill in the billing recipient and then click the Save



Recipient Number

Fill in with the code of the billing recipient

Recipient Name

Fill in with the name of the billing recipient

Recipient Email

Fill it with the recipient's email billing

Phone Number

Fill in the recipient's phone number billing

Recipient Address

Fill the recipient address billing


Sender department


Select a recipient group for billing

Email Language

Select the standard language used for billing his statement

  • Click Button Export To Excel On the top right of the panel to export billing receipt data to excel.

Last updated