DANA Subs Integration Guide
Dana Subscription is one of the payment channels available on Faspay. When choosing DANA Subscription as a payment method, the User makes subscriptions at the beginning, then will be automatically cut in the next month.
Integration Step:
Post Data
Query All Subscription
Inquiry Subscription
Payment Notification
Cancel Subscription
1. Post Data Transaction
This process is used to send transaction data from merchants to Faspay. This post data process is carried out when the merchant requests parameters and then Faspay will give a response to the request.
URL EndPoint
Type | Development |
XML | |
A. Post Data Transaction Request
The parameters that must be provided by the Merchant system to be accessed by the Faspay system are as follows:
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
request | Alphanumeric (50) | M | Request Description |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant Code From Faspay = BOI |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant Name |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Order Number |
bill_reff | Alphanumeric (32) | O | Booking Number/reference (can fill same with order no) |
bill_date | Datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | M | Transaction/ Order Date |
bill_expired | Datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | M | Payment Expiring Date (max 30 days) |
bill_desc | Alphanumeric (128) | M | Transaction Description |
bill_currency | Char (3) | M | Currency, Must be 'IDR' |
bill_gross | Numeric (15) | O | Order Nominal without tax |
bill_tax | Numeric (15) | O | Tax (IDR) |
bill_miscfee | Numeric (15) | O | Miscellaneous fee |
bill_total | Numeric (15) | M | Total Nominal |
payment_channel | Numeric (3) | M | Payment Channel Code |
pay_type | Alphanumeric (1) | M | Payment code : 1: Full Settlement 2: Installment 3: Mixed 1 & 2 |
cust_no | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Customer Number |
cust_name | Alphanumeric (128) | M | Customer Name |
bank_user_id | Alphanumeric (128) | O | Customer User ID on bank’s services (ex : KlikBCA User Id) |
msisdn | Numeric (64) | M | Customer Mobile Phone |
Alphanumeric (128) | M | ||
terminal | Numeric (2) | M | Terminal Origin 10. Web 20. MobApp Blackberry 21. MobApp Android 22. MobAppiOS 23. MobApp Windows 24. MobApp Symbian 30. TabApp BlackBerry 31. TabApp Android 32. TabAppiOS 33. TabApp Windows |
billing_name | Alphanumeric | C | Billing name |
billing_address | Alphanumeric (200) | O | Billing_address |
billing_address_city | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Billing City |
billing_address_region | Alphanumeric (100) | O | Billing Addres Region |
billing_address_state | Alphanumeric (100) | O | Billing Address State |
billing_address_poscode | Alphanumeric (10) | O | Billing Address Pos Code |
billing_address_country_code | Alphanumeric (10) | O | Billing Address Country Code |
receiver_name_for_shipping | Alphanumeric (100) | O | Receiver Name |
shipping_address | Alphanumeric (200) | O | Shipping Address |
shipping_address_city | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Shipping Address City |
shipping_address_region | Alphanumeric (100) | O | Shipping Address Region |
shipping_address_state | Alphanumeric (100) | O | Shipping Address State |
shipping_address_poscode | Alphanumeric (10) | O | Shipping Address Pos Code |
shipping_msisdn | Numeric | O | Shipping number phone |
shipping_address_country_code | Alphanumeric (10) | O | Shipping Address Country Code |
item | Array | M | List item product |
product | Alphanumeric (50) | M | Product name |
subscription_message | Alphanumeric (50) | M | Product Subcription detail |
subscription_interval_type | Alphanumeric (10) | M | Determine months/weeks (e.g MONTHLY/WEEKLY) |
subscription_interval_value | Numeric | M | Determine how many months/weeks (e.g 1/2/3/4) |
external_goods_id | Alphanumeric (10) | M | Item code |
tenor | Numeric | M | Determine the end date of subscription |
reserve1 | Alphanumeric (50) | O |
reserve2 | Alphanumeric (50) | C |
signature | Alphanumeric (100) | M | sha1(md5(user_id merchant + password merchant + bill_no)) |
Post Data Transaction Response
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
response | Alphanumeric | O | Response description |
trx_id | Numeric (20) | M | Transaction ID (Issued/generated by Faspay (Media Indonusa)). For the next payment has unique transaction ID. |
merchant_id | Numeric | M | Merchant Code From Faspay = BOI |
merchant | Alphanumeric | M | Merchant’s name |
bill_no | Numeric | M | Order number |
bill_items | Alphanumeric | O | Billing items / purchase items |
product | Alphanumeric (50) | M | Item Name |
subscription_message | Alphanumeric (50) | M | Product Subcription detail |
subscription_interval_type | Alphanumeric (10) | M | Determine months/weeks (e.g MONTHLY/WEEKLY) |
subscription_interval_value | Numeric | M | Determine how many months/weeks (e.g 1/2/3/4) |
external_goods_id | Alphanumeric (10) | M | item code |
tenor | Numeric | M | Determine the end date of subscription |
response_code | Numeric (2) | M | Response code 00 : Success 01 : Failed |
response_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Response Description |
2. Inquiry
Inquiry is a process of checking the status of Faspay’s payment transaction. The details of API Services of inquiry can be found here
3. Query All Subscription
This service functions to query all payments or subscription-related transactions.
Type | Development |
XML | |
Query All Subscription Request
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
request | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Request Description |
subscription_id | Numeric | M | Id subscription |
bill_no | Numeric | M | Order number |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant Code From Faspay = BOI |
payment_channel | Numeric (3) | M | Payment Channel Code |
page | Numeric | M | The page number to display |
limit | Numeric | M
| Limit the amount of data wants to display |
signature | Alphanumeric (100) | M | sha1(md5(user_id merchant + password merchant + bill_no)) |
Query All Subscribe Response
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
response | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Response Description |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant Code From Faspay = BOI |
payment_channel | Numeric (3) | M | Payment Channel Code |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant name |
subscription_id | Numeric | M | id subscription |
list_transaction | Array | M | Report listing all the transactions |
transaction_1 | Array | M | Detail payment of all the transactions |
payment_date | Datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | M | Payment Date (from Payment Channel) |
payment_status_code | Numeric (1) | M | Status Code 0 Unprocessed 1 In Process 2 Payment Success 4 Payment Reserval 5 No bills found 8 Payment Cancelled 9 Unknown
payment_status_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Description status of payment |
payment_amount | Numeric (3) | M | Payment Total |
response_code | Numeric (2) | M | Response code: 00 : Success 01 : Failed |
response_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Response Description |
4. Inquiry Subscription
This service function integrates Faspay's Inquiry Subscription API with the Fund Details Query Order API.
URL EndPoint
Type | Development |
XML | https://debit-sandbox.faspay.co.id/ pws/100043/183xx00010100000 |
JSON | https://debit-sandbox.faspay.co.id/ cvr/100043/10 |
Inquiry Subscription Request
The parameters that must be provided by the Merchant system to be accessed by the Faspay system are as follows:
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
request | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Request Description |
subscription_id | Numeric (16) | M | ID Subscription |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant Code |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (16) | M | Order Number |
signature | Alphanumeric | M | sha1(md5((user_id + password + bill_no)) |
Inquiry Subscription Response
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
response | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Response Name |
subscription_id | Numeric (16) | M | ID Subscription |
merchant_id | Numeric (6) | M | Merchant Code |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant name |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Order number |
subs_status_code | Numeric (1) | M | Status Code 1 Active 2 In Active |
subs_status_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Description Status |
payment_total | Numeric | M | Total amount of payment |
response_code | Numeric (2) | M | Response code: 00 = Success 01 = Failed |
response_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Response description |
5. Payment Notification
A process for sending notifications to the merchant's payment of Faspay. Payment notifications are sent via URL merchant who previously had been prepared, which is the URL to receive notifications of transactions hit. Faspay will repeatedly send a payment notification 3 times if the first try does not get an OK response.
Payment Notification Request
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
request | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Request Description |
trx_id | Numeric (16) | M | Transaction ID (Issued/generated by Faspay (Media Indonusa)). For the next payment has unique transaction ID. |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant Code |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant name |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (16) | M | Order Number |
payment_reff | Alphanumeric (16) | M | Subscription ID |
payment_date | Datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | M | Payment Date (from Payment Channel) |
payment_status_code | Numeric (1) | M | Status Code 0 Unprocessed 1 In Process 2 Payment Success 4 Payment Reserval 5 No bills found 8 Payment Cancelled 9 Unknown
payment_status_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Description Status |
bill_total | Numeric | M | Total billing |
payment_total | Numeric | M |
payment_channel_uid | Alphanumeric (50) | M | Cancel description |
payment_channel | Datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | M | Payment cancel date |
signature | Alphanumeric | M | sha1(md5((user_id + password + bill_no)) |
Payment Notification Response
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
response | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Response Name |
trx_id | Numeric (16) | M | Transaction ID (Issued/generated by Faspay (Media Indonusa)). For the next payment has unique transaction ID. |
merchant_id | Numeric (6) | M | Merchant Code |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant name |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Order number |
response_code | Numeric (2) | M | Response code: 00 : Success 01 : Failed |
response_desc | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Response Description |
response_date | Datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | M | Response Date |
6. Cancel Subscription
This cancel subscription service function to cancel the payment which means all future billing will be disabled and the customer will no longer be charged on the billing date set by the customer plan
URL EndPoint
Type | Development |
XML | |
Cancel Subscription Request
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
request | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Request Description |
trx_id | Numeric (16) | M | Transaction ID (Issued/generated by Faspay (Media Indonusa)). For the next payment has unique transaction ID. |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant Code |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant name |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (16) | M | Order Number |
payment_cancel | Alphanumeric | M | Payment cancel description |
signature | Alphanumeric | M | sha1(md5((user_id + password + bill_no)) |
Cancel Subscription Response
Parameter | Data Type | M/O/C | Description |
response | Alphanumeric (50) | O | Request description |
subscription_id | Numeric | M | id subscription |
merchant_id | Numeric (5) | M | Merchant code |
merchant | Alphanumeric (32) | M | Merchant name |
bill_no | Alphanumeric (16) | M | Order number |
subs_status_code | Numeric (1) | M | Status Code: 1: Active 2: Inactive |
subs_status_desc | Alphanumeric | M | Subscription status description |
payment_cancel | Alphanumeric | M | Payment cancel description |
payment_cancel_date | Datetime | M | Payment cancel date. Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
response_code | Numeric | M | Code description |
response_desc | Alphanumeric | M | Response description |
Last updated