Cancelation E-Faktur Number

This cancelation E-Faktur No is used to restore E-Faktur number. So, the E-Faktur number will available again and can be used for another invoice.


To cancel E-Faktur No it's accessible from Faspay Billing → Billings → View Detail Billing → Actions → Cancel E-Faktur No.

Option of Cancel E-Faktur No on Actions button only available if an invoice has criteria, such as:

  • Invoice status = canceled

  • Invoice tax is active

  • The e-Faktur file hasn't been uploaded yet

  1. Check the number availability on the E-Faktur No page.

  1. At the E-Faktur Files page ensure that the invoice with invoice number INV-FPY-032300400 hasn't been uploaded yet. It can be seen when searching the invoice by the number so it will show blank data.

  1. On the Faspay Billing → Billings, choose invoice with number INV-FPY-032300400 and E-Faktur No 000-22.12345619, the data that will be canceled.

  1. Then on Billing Detail, you can cancel the invoice by clicking the Actions dropdown button and clicking Cancel.

  1. Click Yes to confirm cancelation.

  1. Click OK, on the success notification.

  1. Next on the Billing Detail page click Actions → Cancel E-Faktur No.

  1. Click Yes to confirm E-Faktur cancelation.

  1. Click OK on the success notification.

So on the Billing List, the E-Faktur number is now successfully canceled.

Last updated