Product Category

Product category is a menu used to manage the master data of the product category that will be used to create the product master data.

Create Product Category

  1. Select the "Items" menu on the "Faspay Billing" menu, then display the Items menu page. Click "Product Category" to display the Product Category menu page. Click "Create" to add a new product category on the Product Category menu page.

  1. Then, display the "Add New Product Category" page and input new data.

  1. The following is an example of inputting new product category data. Click "Save" to save the data.

  1. Display a notification message that the record was successfully added. Click "OK" to continue.

Edit Data Product Category

  1. Select the product data to be changed on the Product Category menu page. Then, display the detailed product category data and click "Edit" to make change.

  1. Display the "Edit Category" page and inputs change data. Click "Save" to save data change.

  1. Next, it will display a notification message that the data was successfully changed. Click "OK" to continue.

Delete Data Product Category

  1. Select the product data to be changed on the Product Category menu page. Then, display the product category data detail and click "Delete" to make change.

  1. Display a confirmation message regarding data deletion. Click "Yes" to proceed with data deletion.

  1. Next, it will display a notification message that the data was successfully deleted. Click "OK" to continue.

Search & Sort List Data Product Category

  1. On the Product Category menu page, there is a search data feature. Search data can be done in the Name, Total Product, and Description fields. The following is an example of search data by Name.

  1. On the Product Category menu page, there is also a data display setting feature, namely "Sort List Data". Sorting list data can be done by clicking the sort icon in the No, Name, Total Product, and Description columns. The following is an example of sorting a list of data in order of Name.

Last updated