Summary Outstanding

The Payment History in the Reports submenu of Faspay Billing 2.0 is a feature for summary reports that show the outstanding balance from a number of transactions or debts that have not been settled. Here are the steps:

Summary Outstanding Sub Menu

  1. After successfully logging in, select the "Faspay Billing New" menu -> "Reports" -> select the "Summary Outstanding" card menu.

  1. The Summary Outstanding Report page will appear. There are 2 category options when viewing data in the summary outstanding report.

    1. As Of: Shows all outstanding invoice balances from the beginning until the specified "as of" date.

    2. Customer

Notes: The "As Of" field must not be empty.

NoField NameDescription



Number of the displayed report data.



Customer name.


Number of invoice

The number of current outstanding invoice per customer


Total Invoice

The total amount of bills to be paid


Total Paid

The total amount of bills that have been paid


Total Outstanding

The total amount of debt owed by the customer

Filter By As Of

If you want to view the details of all reports up to the "As Of" date:

  1. Select the date in the "As Of" field.

  2. Choose the "As Of" date.

  3. Once done, click the "Show" button.

  1. This will display the report data based on the selected "As Of" date.

Filter By Customer

If you want to view the details of the summary outstanding report based on the customer name:

  1. Select the date in the "As Of" field. Choose the "As Of" date.

  2. Select the customer name in the "Customer" field.

  3. Once done, click the "Show" button.

  1. This will display the report based on the customer's name.

Last updated