Disbursement Account

Disbursement Account is used to manage the list of disbursement beneficiary bank account disbursement, you can also add new accounts if needed. This menu accessible on Disbursement/Register Account Bank, so it will show Disbursement Account page.

Guide Account Table

Register New Account

  1. Click Register Account.

  1. Input the detail information of account, then click Register.

Guide Register Account Form

*) required field, cannot be blank

  1. Ensure the data that filled is correct and valid, then click Confirm.

  1. Account has been successfully registered.

Transaction History Account

  1. Click list icon on Actions column.

  1. Show transaction history of account.

Detail about transaction history can be seen here.

Detail Information of Account

  1. Click eye icon on on Actions column.

  1. Show detail information of account.

Click Update button if you need updating the data, click Delete if you want deleting the data.

Update Account

  1. Click pen icon on Actions column, or click Update on detail information account page.

  1. Update the data as needed, then click Save.

Delete Account

  1. Click trash icon on Actions column, or click Delete on detail information account page.

  1. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.

Last updated