

E-Faktur is a feature that can be used by users to easily manage tax invoice numbers, and tax invoice files or send tax invoice files to merchants from Faspay Billing.

How to Use

Enabling Faspay Billing E-Faktur

To use E-Faktur user needs to ensure that has been enabling E-Faktur module that is accessible from Merchant Page Settings. This is a step-by-step to enabling the E-Faktur module:

  1. On Merchant Page click Settings.

  2. Then click Faspay Billing Settings NEW^{NEW}.

  3. Next, it will show the Billing Settings Page, on the Features tab to ensure that the E-Faktur Module is already checked.

  4. After that click Save.

  1. Click OK on the notification pop-up. So, the E-Faktur module is enabled now.

Faspay Billing E-Faktur is now accessible on Faspay Billing → E-Faktur. This E-Faktur page contains 3 tabs menu, such as:

  1. E-Faktur No: this menu is used to manage tax invoice serial numbers that will be used when the user needs to generate tax invoice numbers.

  2. Export CSV: this menu is used to export E-Faktur CSV files.

  3. E-Faktur Files: this menu is used to upload an E-Faktur file into a system or send an E-Faktur file to the customer by email.

Last updated