BNI VA Static


BNI Virtual account is a Faspay Collection product which is a payment method with a special account given to customers of cooperation companies as a means of bill payment, making it easier for cooperative companies to identify the remittances they receive. In BNI Virtual Account Static, this is a type of static transaction TRX ID / static Transaction ID that can be paid multiple times with one virtual account number.

Flow Transaction BNI Virtual Account Static


  1. After the user checkouts at the web merchant and selects payment using the BNI VA method. Merchants post data to Faspay.

  2. Faspay will create a billing request to BNI, and then BNI will send a response back from the billing request to Faspay.

  3. Faspay will forward the post-data response to Merchant.

  4. Then wait until the user has finished making the VA payment.

  5. After the transaction, BNI will send a payment notification to Faspay and Faspay will forward the payment notification to Merchant.

Flow Update Transaction

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