Faspay Magento.....This is official Faspay extension for the Magento E-Commerece platform.
Magento 2.3.4
PHP version 5.6.X or greater
MySQL version 5.6 or greater
Faspay plugin for Magento [ Magento 2.3.4 ].
Simple installation
Ekstrak previously download.
Copy folder Faspay to magento_root_folder/app/code
Select debit channels or credit card payment to be used.
Enter the magento root folders then open the command prompt then run the command php bin / magento setup: upgrade for installation and wait for it to finish.
After the installation is complete, the payment method Faspay can be seen in the admin panel> stores> configuration> sales> payment method.
Clear cache and reindex indexer before re-deploying magento.
Login to your magento admin
Go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> Other Payment Methods
Choose the enable option
Fill the Title with text button that you want to display to customer ex: Faspay Payment
Fill Merchant name with your merchant name registered in faspay
FIll Merchant Id with merchant id given from Faspay
Fill user id with user id given from Faspay
Fill password with password given from Faspay
Select new order status from the option
select is production option
Set the expiry time
Choose the payment channel want to enable
Select enable option
Fill the tittle for the payment channel that you want to display to customer
Last updated